So first of all...this little one was an absolute ANGEL during our session!!
Those florals though
She even smiled a few times
And got excited;0
"Black and white or color????"
That question was the only thing going though my mind editing these hahahaha
Ahhhh!! I need heart eyes for this oneeeee
I don't know what she was looking at, but obviously it was fascinating
Then... we swaddled her and well , just look at the picture.;)
Complete perfection
I can't say enough about how much I adore this picture! A sleeping babe is perfect on it's own but those colors just make me so happy!!
My momma snapped this one:)
When big sister joined us it was the sweetest thing
Before I go... I thought I'd mention that you can book online for pictures now!! It's super easy! Just click on "book online" and You can do it from there;0
Alrighty... that's it for today:)